Class: UpgradeAuthorityAnswer
Properties overview
Defined in: packages/upgradable/src/upgradable.ts:58
Represents the response from the upgrade authority after verifying the upgrade data.
It contains the next upgrade authority's public key if a change is required, and a boolean
indicating whether the upgrade data has been successfully verified.
- {
new UpgradeAuthorityAnswer()
new UpgradeAuthorityAnswer(value: {
isVerified: Bool;
nextUpgradeAuthority: PublicKeyOption;
}): UpgradeAuthorityAnswer
Defined in: node_modules/o1js/dist/node/lib/provable/types/struct.d.ts:103
= Bool
Indicates whether the upgrade data has been successfully verified.
= PublicKeyOption
The public key of the next upgrade authority, if a change is required.
If we upgrade the verification key, we may not be able to use the same upgrade
authority next time because the new o1js version can break the verification key
of the upgrade authority too, and since the upgrade authority serves many
contracts, it cannot be upgraded. In this case, we need to use another upgrade
authority with the public key that will be provided in nextUpgradeAuthority
Inherited from
The public key of the next upgrade authority, if a change is required.
If we upgrade the verification key, we may not be able to use the same upgrade
authority next time because the new o1js version can break the verification key
of the upgrade authority too, and since the upgrade authority serves many
contracts, it cannot be upgraded. In this case, we need to use another upgrade
authority with the public key that will be provided in nextUpgradeAuthority.
nextUpgradeAuthority: PublicKeyOption,
/ Indicates whether the upgrade data has been successfully verified. /
isVerified: Bool,
isVerified: Bool = Bool;
Defined in: packages/upgradable/src/upgradable.ts:70
Indicates whether the upgrade data has been successfully verified.
Inherited from
The public key of the next upgrade authority, if a change is required.
If we upgrade the verification key, we may not be able to use the same upgrade
authority next time because the new o1js version can break the verification key
of the upgrade authority too, and since the upgrade authority serves many
contracts, it cannot be upgraded. In this case, we need to use another upgrade
authority with the public key that will be provided in nextUpgradeAuthority.
nextUpgradeAuthority: PublicKeyOption,
/ Indicates whether the upgrade data has been successfully verified. /
isVerified: Bool,
nextUpgradeAuthority: PublicKeyOption = PublicKeyOption;
Defined in: packages/upgradable/src/upgradable.ts:68
The public key of the next upgrade authority, if a change is required.
If we upgrade the verification key, we may not be able to use the same upgrade
authority next time because the new o1js version can break the verification key
of the upgrade authority too, and since the upgrade authority serves many
contracts, it cannot be upgraded. In this case, we need to use another upgrade
authority with the public key that will be provided in nextUpgradeAuthority
Inherited from
The public key of the next upgrade authority, if a change is required.
If we upgrade the verification key, we may not be able to use the same upgrade
authority next time because the new o1js version can break the verification key
of the upgrade authority too, and since the upgrade authority serves many
contracts, it cannot be upgraded. In this case, we need to use another upgrade
authority with the public key that will be provided in nextUpgradeAuthority.
nextUpgradeAuthority: PublicKeyOption,
/ Indicates whether the upgrade data has been successfully verified. /
isVerified: Bool,
Updated 10 days ago