
Variable: FungibleTokenErrors

Properties overview

  • flashMinting: string = "Flash-minting or unbalanced transaction detected. Please make sure that your transaction is balanced, and that your AccountUpdates are ordered properly, so that tokens are not received before they are sent.";
  • noAdminKey: string = "could not fetch admin contract key";
  • noPermissionChangeAllowed: string = "Can't change permissions for access or receive on token accounts";
  • noPermissionToChangeAdmin: string = "Not allowed to change admin contract";
  • noPermissionToMint: string = "Not allowed to mint tokens";
  • noPermissionToPause: string = "Not allowed to pause token";
  • noPermissionToResume: string = "Not allowed to resume token";
  • noTransferFromCirculation: string = "Can't transfer to/from the circulation account";
  • tokenPaused: string = "Token is currently paused";
  • unbalancedTransaction: string = "Transaction is unbalanced";
const FungibleTokenErrors: {
  flashMinting: string;
  noAdminKey: string;
  noPermissionChangeAllowed: string;
  noPermissionToChangeAdmin: string;
  noPermissionToMint: string;
  noPermissionToPause: string;
  noPermissionToResume: string;
  noTransferFromCirculation: string;
  tokenPaused: string;
  unbalancedTransaction: string;

Defined in: packages/token/src/FungibleTokenContract.ts:48

Type declaration


flashMinting: string = "Flash-minting or unbalanced transaction detected. Please make sure that your transaction is balanced, and that your AccountUpdates are ordered properly, so that tokens are not received before they are sent.";


noAdminKey: string = "could not fetch admin contract key";


noPermissionChangeAllowed: string = "Can't change permissions for access or receive on token accounts";


noPermissionToChangeAdmin: string = "Not allowed to change admin contract";


noPermissionToMint: string = "Not allowed to mint tokens";


noPermissionToPause: string = "Not allowed to pause token";


noPermissionToResume: string = "Not allowed to resume token";


noTransferFromCirculation: string = "Can't transfer to/from the circulation account";


tokenPaused: string = "Token is currently paused";


unbalancedTransaction: string = "Transaction is unbalanced";