
Variable: nftVerificationKeys

const nftVerificationKeys: { [key in "mainnet" | "devnet"]: { o1js: string; vk: (key: string) => { data: string; hash: string; type: "nft" } } };

Defined in: packages/nft/src/vk.ts:32

An object containing the verification keys for the NFT Collection and NFT contracts on different networks.


The NFTVerificationKeys object maps a SupportedNetworkId to the corresponding verification keys for the NFT Collection and NFT contracts.


  • network: The network identifier ("devnet" or "mainnet").
    • collection:
      • hash: The hash of the verification key for the NFT Collection contract.
      • data: The verification key data for the NFT Collection contract.
    • nft:
      • hash: The hash of the verification key for the NFT contract.
      • data: The verification key data for the NFT contract.


Accessing the verification key hash for the NFT Collection on testnet:

const testnetCollectionVKHash = NFTVerificationKeys["devnet"].collection.hash;