Trade a token
How to trade a token
Step-by-step guide
- Open
- Connect your wallet
- Click on 'Explore' and then click on TESTME token to open its page, or open directly the token TESTME page. For Zeko, use this link
- Click on 'Trade' button or scroll down to 'Orderbook' section
- Select the offer you want to buy and enter the amount you want to buy
- Click on Buy TESTME, sign the transaction, and wait for transaction to be included in a block
- Reload page to refresh the orderbook, you will see that the amount of the offer you bought has been decreased
- Congratulations! You have bought TESTME!
- Now you can sell TESTME by choosing the bid, clicking on 'Sell TESTME' button and following the same steps as above, or you can create an offer or bid by clicking on Offer or Bid buttons and entering price and amount.
- You can also cancel an offer or bid by clicking on the Withdraw button
Updated about 1 month ago