Class: NFTState

Properties overview

  • approved: PublicKey = PublicKey;
  • context: NFTTransactionContext = NFTTransactionContext;
  • creator: PublicKey = PublicKey;
  • immutableState: NFTImmutableState = NFTImmutableState;
  • isPaused: Bool = Bool;
  • metadata: Field = Field;
  • metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field = Field;
  • name: Field = Field;
  • oracleAddress: PublicKey = PublicKey;
  • owner: PublicKey = PublicKey;
  • storage: Storage = Storage;
  • version: UInt32 = UInt32;

Methods overview

  • assertEqual()
  • fromNFTState()

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:182

Represents the full state of an NFT, including both immutable and mutable properties.


  • {
    approved: PublicKey;
    context: NFTTransactionContext;
    creator: PublicKey;
    immutableState: NFTImmutableState;
    isPaused: Bool;
    metadata: Field;
    metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field;
    name: Field;
    oracleAddress: PublicKey;
    owner: PublicKey;
    storage: Storage;
    version: UInt32;


new NFTState()

new NFTState(value: {
  approved: PublicKey;
  context: NFTTransactionContext;
  creator: PublicKey;
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState;
  isPaused: Bool;
  metadata: Field;
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field;
  name: Field;
  oracleAddress: PublicKey;
  owner: PublicKey;
  storage: Storage;
  version: UInt32;
 }): NFTState

Defined in: node_modules/o1js/dist/node/lib/provable/types/struct.d.ts:103



PublicKey = PublicKey

The approved address of the NFT.


NFTTransactionContext = NFTTransactionContext

The transaction context of the NFT.


PublicKey = PublicKey

The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly).


NFTImmutableState = NFTImmutableState

The immutable state of the NFT.


Bool = Bool

Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused.


Field = Field

The metadata associated with the NFT.


Field = Field

The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs.


Field = Field

The name of the NFT.


PublicKey = PublicKey

The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state


PublicKey = PublicKey

The owner of the NFT.


Storage = Storage

The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash).


UInt32 = UInt32

The version number of the NFT state.



Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly



approved: PublicKey = PublicKey;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:190

The approved address of the NFT.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


context: NFTTransactionContext = NFTTransactionContext;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:205

The transaction context of the NFT.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


creator: PublicKey = PublicKey;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:203

The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly).

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


immutableState: NFTImmutableState = NFTImmutableState;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:184

The immutable state of the NFT.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


isPaused: Bool = Bool;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:198

Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


metadata: Field = Field;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:192

The metadata associated with the NFT.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field = Field;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:200

The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


name: Field = Field;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:186

The name of the NFT.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


oracleAddress: PublicKey = PublicKey;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:207

The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


owner: PublicKey = PublicKey;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:188

The owner of the NFT.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


storage: Storage = Storage;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:194

The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash).

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly


version: UInt32 = UInt32;

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:196

The version number of the NFT state.

Inherited from

  / The immutable state of the NFT. /
  immutableState: NFTImmutableState,
  / The name of the NFT. /
  name: Field,
  / The owner of the NFT. /
  owner: PublicKey,
  / The approved address of the NFT. /
  approved: PublicKey,
  / The metadata associated with the NFT. /
  metadata: Field,
  / The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash). /
  storage: Storage,
  / The version number of the NFT state. /
  version: UInt32,
  / Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused. /
  isPaused: Bool,
  / The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs. /
  metadataVerificationKeyHash: Field,

  / The public key of the creator of the NFT (readonly). /
  creator: PublicKey, // readonly
  / The transaction context of the NFT. /
  context: NFTTransactionContext, // readonly
  / The oracle address to link the NFT update with the network and accounts state /
  oracleAddress: PublicKey, // readonly



static assertEqual(a: NFTState, b: NFTState): void

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:214

Asserts that two NFTState instances are equal.




The first NFTState instance.



The second NFTState instance.




static fromNFTState(params: {
  address: PublicKey;
  context: NFTTransactionContext;
  creator: PublicKey;
  nftState: NFTStateStruct;
  oracleAddress: PublicKey;
  tokenId: Field;
 }): NFTState

Defined in: packages/nft/src/interfaces/types.ts:233

Creates a new NFTState from an NFTStateStruct and other parameters.



The parameters including nftState, creator, address, and tokenId.















A new NFTState instance.