Function: txStatus()

function txStatus<ThrowOnError>(options: OmitKeys<RequestOptions<ThrowOnError>, "body" | "url"> & TxStatusData & Pick<RequestOptions<ThrowOnError>, "headers">): RequestResult<TransactionStatus, ErrorResponse, ThrowOnError>

Defined in: packages/api/src/client/sdk.gen.ts:110

Retrieve the status of a transaction by its hash.
The tx-status endpoint allows you to check the current status of a transaction on the Mina blockchain by providing the transaction hash. It returns whether the transaction has been applied, failed, or is still pending.

Type Parameters

ThrowOnError extends boolean = false



OmitKeys<RequestOptions<ThrowOnError>, "body" | "url"> & TxStatusData & Pick<RequestOptions<ThrowOnError>, "headers">


RequestResult<TransactionStatus, ErrorResponse, ThrowOnError>